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Services (Table Settings)

Seats at the Table Collaborative’s TableTalk Collaborative Seminar is built from over 25 years of training and experiences of what doesn’t work plus evidence-based training that does work for young women at the tables of their lives.   Seats at the Table TableTalk Collaborative Seminar is a 12 week small-group one-of-a-kind professional coaching experience to empower and amplify young women to get seats at their chosen healthcare table --- with less broken chairs along the way.


Getting Your Seat: Consultation

Let's set up a no-cost introductory chat for you to learn how Seats at the Table Collaborative and the TableTalk Collaborative Seminar can work with your campus tables!

12 Week Seminar: At the Table

This 12 week seminar includes:


     2 in person group coaching events


    8 60-minute group coaching virtual sessions 

  • After each session each attendee receives a personalized summary recap via email

  • Each group receives additional resources and material to complete between sessions

  • Messaging/voice memo support between sessions for each participant

  • Access to a 12 week curriculum with worksheets

Topics we will cover include:


You Deserve A Seat (Realizing your unique strengths, your unique value, building the belief that YOU have earned that seat)

What Might Be Making Your Chair Shaky (What are the influences that may impact your ability be your best self and what might be dragging your chair down)

Where Do I Sit (Discovering when to lead and when to be a best team member)

How Do I Make Room For More Seats (How to Collaborate with Others; Building the belief that you haven’t arrived (been seated) until and unless you have brought someone else along with you to sit with you)


When Do I Need to Make My Own Table (When to recognize is respect not being served and when I may need to make my own table

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Chair _edited.jpg

Book Me to Speak at Your Table

I believe that the tables of life that are the most productive and most fulfilling are tables that have women from diverse life experiences, collaborating to thrive and to be empowered to achieve their best selves.

I love to meet with students early in their career journey to hear their ideas as to how they see themselves at the healthcare table.

Invite me to your table and let's collaborate together to support students to remake their vision, life, and energy toward helping them reach the healthcare goals they actually WANT AND DESERVE!!

This course is for students that have begun to believe the thought that they don’t belong at the healthcare table and have begun to think small, play small, and sit small 

This course is for young women who doubt they belong at a healthcare career table because their inner critic (or an external critic) tells them they aren’t worth the effort

The TableTalk Seminar supports young women in moving out that kind of mindset in their lives - NO ROOM FOR THAT KIND OF THINKING AT OUR TABLE!!!

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